Setup Notes
Gnuplot Setup
Download latest Gnuplot version source code (4.6.0 at time of this writing):
Mac Gnuplot Setup
Short story: for legal reasons, Apple does not use ship Gnu Readline library by default. The replacement library does not have all the functionality needed for gnuplot, and this often causes errors.
- Download the latest version of Gnu Readline:
- Untar it,
to the new folder, and execute./configure --prefix=/usr
, thenmake everything
, thensudo make install
. - Then cd into the gnuplot source folder. Use
, andsudo make install
- Applied all Mac OS X Software Updates (Version 10.6.8)
- Installed all Mac OS X Developer Tools (from the XCode Installer on the Mac OS X Application Install DVD)
- Installed Python 2.7.2 64-bit
- Installed Google Chrome
- Added to bookmarks bar (also did to Safari)
- Enabled bookmarks bar
- Installed Cyberduck 4.2.1
- Removed 3rd-party bookmarks
- Bookmarked SAMIAM-v
- Bookmarked LabCVS
- Installed OpenOffice 3.3.0
- Installed Text Wrangler 3.5.3
- Installed GNU Readline
- Downloaded the source code for version 6.2
- From terminal, extracted contents of the .tar.gz file and used `cd` to go to the newly-extracted directory
- Executed `./configure --prefix=/usr`
- Executed `make everything`
- Executed `sudo make install`
- Installed Gnuplot 4.4.0
- Downloaded Gnuplot source code
- From terminal, extracted contents of .tar.gz file and used `cd` to go to the newly-extracted directory
- Executed `./configure`
- Executed `make`
- Executed `sudo make install`
- Installed MacTeX (very long download; try to use the saved zip file from another SPOCC computer)
- Installed SAM Data View
- ''We are not going to use the standard installer (with the telemetry database, sample data, etc.) in the future. I did for this install, and I removed `~/SAM/gse` from the filesystem.
- There were some file permissions problems; I changed the permissions of ~/SAM to 755.''
- Installed XINA
- Extracted the downloadable zip file
- Renamed the newly-extracted folder to XINA, and moved it to the Applications directory
- Set up password-free access to LabCVS (Note: For the following: let
`LABCVS` be the IP address for the LabCVS machine, and `USER` be
the username. I did not want to post either in public.)
- From terminal, executed `ssh-keygen -t rsa`.
- From terminal, executed `cat .ssh/ | ssh USER@LABCVS "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys"`
- Did initial CVS configuration (See previous note about `LABCVS`
and `USER`)
- From terminal, executed `export CVSROOT=":ext:USER@LABCVS:/labcvs/labcode"`
- From terminal, executed `export CVS_RSH=ssh`
- From terminal, executed `cd $HOME`
- From terminal, executed `cvs co spocc`
- Deleted existing copy of $HOME/.bash_profile
- From terminal (assumed to be in home directory still), executed `ln -s spocc/bash_profile_ref .bash_profile`
- Exited and restarted terminal to let changes take effect.
- Checked out gse directory from CVS
- From terminal (in home directory), executed `cvs checkout gse`
- From terminal, executed `cd ~/SAM; ln -s ../gse gse`
- From terminal, executed `mkdir ~/gse/data`
- Checked out Python code from CVS
- From terminal (in home directory), executed `cvs checkout labcode/tmutil`
- From terminal (in home directory), executed `cvs checkout labcode/samutil`
- From terminal (in home directory), executed `cvs checkout labcode/tmdataflow`
- Set up automatic updating (requires password-free LabCVS access; see
Created alias to `~/spocc/update_spocc.command` on the Desktop, and renamed `CLICK HERE TO UPDATE SPOCC`
Added `~/spocc/update_spocc.command` as a Login Item (updates CVS directories on login)
: Under System Preferences -> Users -> Username -> Login Items -> "+" (Where "Username" is the SPOCC username).
- Downloaded all SAM Data
- Created the following directories under `~/gse/data`: `data-2007`, `data-2008`, `data-2009`, `data-2010`, `data-2011`
- Downloaded data from 2007-2010 into appropriate subdirectories from
- Downloaded all 2011 data directly from LabCVS (SAMIAM-V is out of date) into `data-2011` subdirectory.
- Miscellaneous system tweaks
- Enabled Spaces
- Enabled Exposé (corner shortcuts)
- Increased mouse tracking speed, keyboard repeat rate
- Removed household applications (iTunes, iPhoto, etc.) from Dock and added newly-installed applications
- Installed Microsoft Office
- Installed Net Connect (by logging into
Ops VM Setup
- Applied all Ubuntu software updates.
- Used Synaptic package manager to install the following packages and their dependencies:
- Development
- cervisia
- cvs
- default-jdk
- g++
- g++-4.4
- gcc-doc
- gfortran
- gfortran-doc
- git-core
- git-doc
- subversion
- qt4-designer
- qt4-dev-tools
- qt4-qmake
- Development (universe)
- eclipse
- Libraries - Development
- libgsl0-dev
- Mathematics (universe)
- gnuplot
- libgsl0ldbl
- Networking (universe)
- filezilla
- Python Programming Language
- python-numpy
- python-numpy-doc
- python-setuptools
- python3.1
- Python Programming Language (universe)
- pylint
- python-argparse
- python-gnuplot
- python-scientific
- python-scipy
- python-scitools
- TeX Authoring
- texlive-latex-base
- texlive-latex-extra
- texlive-latex-recommended
- Word Processing
- enscript
- Downloaded and installed Google Chrome.
- Downloaded source code for Python 2.7.2. Compiled and installed with `make altinstall`.
- Downloaded Pydev within Eclipse. :* Added Python2.7 interpreter.
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