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XINA Import Helper
XINA Import Helper is a utility for generating the XINA API actions as JSON files for an archive ...
XINA Struct Export
The XINA Struct Export utility processes archive files to produce data products for XINA's Export...
XINA Tunnel
XINA Tunnel is a command line application required for client applications to communicate with th...
XINA Import
XINA Import is a utility for importing XINA API actions as JSON files. This application is distri...
Struct Definitions Reference
This page provides a reference for the purpose and structure of all structs standard groups and d...
Exporting Data
From the top menu: Tools -> OCI Housekeeping Export In the top left corner, change to the "OCI F...
Struct Actions
Struct actions are complex data actions designed to be used with XINA Structs. Unlike most API ac...
Specifier Syntax
Specifiers are objects which specify schema or data elements. In general a specifier is an object...
Structs Data Format
Structs data files can contain mnemonic and/or event data. They have two basic forms, archive fil...
XBin Format
The XBin (XINA Binary) format provides a XINA standard binary format for time based data files. I...
Structs DSV Format
The XINA Structs DSV (delimiter separated values) format provides a standard delimited text data ...
Events are the primary means of organizing structs data. They have two forms: instants, referring...
Updating mine699
This page details the steps to update the mine699 virtual machine. If database changes break back...
Struct Extract Interface
Warning: This page is a Work In Progress For projects that use packet file archives, XINA Minin...
Data Lifecycle
The XINA structs mnemonic data lifecycle involves four primary phases: Source Files Each pipe ma...
Name Conventions Reference
Structs definition names have certain requirements and optional conventions, unless otherwise ind...
Units Reference
Data Organization
Structs XINA groups employ certain organizational requirements to ensure they are interpretted co...
XINA Struct Mine
The XINA Struct Mine utility processes archive files to produce data products for import into XIN...
Although XINA is very flexible and can be configured to meet almost any data organization require...