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Structs Ids List Format


The Struct Ids List format is a comma delimited string format for storing references to mnemonics. It is used in various Definitions such as the Profile Definition to store which mnemonics should be included in the Export Package.

The string format should be parsed as:

  • Comma delimited, whitespace ignored
  • For each item in list:
    • unroll each instance of #[]
    • instance can only contain numeric values or numeric ranges
    • characters before # and after ] should be prefixed and appended to each unrolled item, respectively
  • For each unrolled item:
    • if starts with @, treat as ext_id
    • if starts with a digit
      • if contains -, treat as a numeric range
      • else, treat as single mn_id
    • otherwise treat as name[;subname] (aka mn key)

A numeric range is shorthand syntax for a range of numbers. For example 3-6 should be expanded to 3,4,5,6.


Will be parsed into:

mn_ids: [ 15, 20, 21, 22, 40, 50, 51, 52, 30 ]

ext_ids: [ "1sci", "2sci", "3sci", "100sci", "1raw", "5raw", "6raw", "13raw", "15raw", "16raw", "17raw" ]

mn keys: [ "name;subname", "name2" ]