User Guide
User Guide for the Data Viewer application. Each mission has their own version to document mission specific functionality.
The Data Viewer provides the following features: View data in real-time. Supports TCP or reading...
The Data Viewer is actively supported on Mac OS and Linux. Windows support can be provided if req...
Starting the app
When first opening the application, you may be prompted with various dialogs, all of which can be...
Mnemonic Database
When opening the application, the newest version of the mnemonic database is automatically loaded...
Export Data
File --> Export HK Data... This will export ALL mnemonics for all cached data to your home direct...
Clear Cached Data
A configurable amount of packets are cached in memory. To clear out all cached data: Data Viewers...
Change the refresh rate
Data Viewers --> Set Viewer Refresh Rate
Chart Tips
Quick Graph
You can quickly graph telemetry data over time. Data Viewers --> Quick Graph
Open a new viewer
This method is used for opening up standard mission independent viewers: Data Viewers --> Viewer ...
Create Tabular or Graph Viewer
Data Viewers --> Make HK Viewer
OCI Viewers
Instructions on how to use the various OCI viewers
OCI Step-by-step Instructions
Step-by-step instructions to use the Data Viewer for various OCI tests
ADC Sweep
This page contains instructions on how to view the ADC Sweep data with the DDC Raw Viewer. The AD...
Touch Sensitivity Test
This page contains instructions on how to use the Data Viewer during the touch sensitivity tests....
ADC Output Phase Tuning
RG Sweeps
These instructions are for the Rg Mag and Rg Low sweeps.
EMI Testing
These instructions detail how to use the data viewer during EMI testing. Update to get the newes...
DDC Raw Capture
Instructions to generate DDC Raw Capture images: File -> Open Archives -> Select archives to ope...
DDC Scope Capture
The DDC Scope Mode Viewer is used to view and export the collected DDC Scope Capture data. File ...
Data Viewer Usage in PACE I&T
Overview Usage of the Data Viewer in PACE I&T has changed since we no longer receive OCI science ...