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Structs Ids List Format


The Struct Ids List format is a comma delimited string format for storing references to mnemonics. It is used in various Definitions such as the Profile Definition

Example string: "@#[1,2,3]sci,name;subname,@100sci,@#[1,5-6,13,15-17]raw,15,20-22,#[40,50-52],30,name2"

 * Parses the input string as a comma delimited list.
 * For each item in list:
 *  - unroll each instance of #[] (# is not permitted in mnemonic names, so its safe)
 * 	- instance can only contain numeric values (can't include @ character)
 * For each unrolled item:
 * 	- if starts with @, treat as ext ID
 *  - if starts with a digit
 *  - if contains -, treat as MN ID range (inclusive)
 * 	  else, treat as single MN ID
 *  - otherwise treat as name[;subname]