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XINA Struct Trend

The XINA Struct Trend command line utility generates trend data products for a specified time range or set of Event Intervals. It is used by the XINA Trend Task. Generated data products include:

  • Binned trend data
  • Configurable trend plots
  • Log file


Name Req Description Default
cache Cache directory path. Used for any persistent caching across tasks for optimization purposes.
conf File path to the JSON config containing the trend parameters.
env File path to the JSON environment file which defines environment parameters such as project specific paths.
help Print available options.
host XINA Tunnel host. "localhost"
port XINA Tunnel port. 41746
import Import directory path. Files that need to be imported will be placed here. struct_trend is responsbile for generating the corresponding import action file but xina-run will perform the actual importing.
log File path that log events will be written to.
out Ouptut directory path. Files placed here will be uploaded and accessible directly from the Task interface (e.g. notifications panel).
post Post directory path (for post-import outputs) e.g. uploading log files to the Task record.
task File path to the JSON file containing info about the Task.
temp Temp directory path for storing temporary files during execution.


The below table describes the available fields in the conf JSON file and is used to control how data should be trended.

Name Type Req Description Default
model utf8text Path of model to export data from e.g.
trend utf8text The name of the Trend Definition if the trend was generated from one
label utf8text The text that will be used to name the files and final zip file. The format will be like 2024_06_12_00_00_00_2024_06_12_00_20_00_profile_label
start instant(us) Start time of data to export. May be provided as a Unix timestamp in microseconds (e.g. 1738781947000000) or an ISO 8601 formatted string (e.g. 2024-06-12T00:00:00Z).
end instant(us) End time of data to export. May be provided as a Unix timestamp in microseconds (e.g. 1738781947000000) or an ISO 8601 formatted string (e.g. 2024-06-12T00:00:00Z).
ueid UUID Event UUID of interval if the export was requested for an interval. The event's start and end time will be used instead of start and end.
auto_conf struct_auto_conf The struct_auto_conf that triggered the export. Only provided if the export was auto generated.
plot_conf struct_plot_conf The plot configuration used to generate the plot PDF. See plot format. An empty object i.e. {} can be provided to generate the default plot configuration. If not provided, then plots will not be generated. One mnemonic per plot, one plot per page, sorted by mn_id in ascending order.
data_conf struct_data_conf See struct_data_conf
disable_filter boolean If true, does not apply the filters defined in data_conf. false
copy boolean If true, the zip file will be uploaded and available from the Task interface. false

Example conf:

Note: The plot_conf was truncated for brevity.

  "model": "",
  "profile": "OPS_FLT_OCI_SDS",
  "label": "test",
  "start": 1718150400000000,
  "end": "2024-06-12T00:20:00Z",
  "ueid": null,
  "copy": true,
  "auto_confs": [
      "users": [
      "mine": false,
      "daily": true
  "plot_conf": {
    "trend_series": [
    "pages": [
        "plots": [
            "title": "OCI Pri Power (15A)",
            "mnemonics": [
            "series": [
                "mnemonic": "oci.dau.ddc.FPGA.CcdOpMode",
                "plot_options": {
                  "color": "k"
  "data_conf": {
    "limit": false,
    "ids": "@#[42316,42318-42322,43255,44243,45140,45187-45210,45233-45236,45238,45240,45241,45245,45247,45248,45259,45260,45265-45268,45270,45272,45273,45277,45279,45280,45291,45292,45442,45444,45446,45448,45450,45452,45454,45460,45462,45472,45538,45540,45542,45544,45546,45548,45550,45556,45558,45568,51908,51910,64097,64109,64111,64113,64115,66333,66341,66349,66357,66365,66373,66381,67536,67537,69019,69024-69026,69031,69032,69729,77534,77570,77696]sci",
    "dis": false,
    "fill": false,
    "columns": {
      "ts_utc_iso": true
    "join": true,
    "pkt": true