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WIP: Struct Extract Interface

For projects that use telemetry data files (files of packets), XINA Mining and Export functionality delegates the decoding and conversion of mnemonic data to mission specific tools. These mission specific tools should implement the defined interface to work seamlessly with XINA.

Input Config


  • tm.meta
  • Verify that filter state can be computed from the CVT
  file_path: <file_path>,
  meta_path: <meta_file_path>,
  out: <the dir where files should be output to>,
  cvt_path: <path to cvt file>,
  filter_path: <path to filter definitions file>,
  model: <the mission's model>,
  timeslice_id: <int>, // needed?
  time_source: <pkt_or_grt>,
  raw: [],
  eng: [],
  sci: [],

The output of the mission specific tool should be a xbin file, which XINA's tools will then process to generate the mining and export products.