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Struct Definitions Reference

This page provides a reference for the purpose and structure of all structs standard groups and databases.

Structs groups and databases are marked with a JSON object using the key xs_struct. This will always contain at least two members:

  • "type" - the name of the type of struct element as a string
  • "v" - the current version this instance of the specified type as a string

The version allows structs elements to be upgraded as the structs definitions evolve. It uses a basic semantic versioning format, specifically MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, where:

  • MAJOR changes indicate breaking structural changes
  • MINOR changes add functionality in a backward compatible manner
  • PATCH changes make backward compatible bug fixes

Minor and patch changes will automatically be applied to structs elements in server upgrades, whereas major changes will typically require user interaction. Major changes will be avoided as much as possible to maintain stable workflows. Patch version updates will only be used in cases where a change was needed to correctly adhere to the documented specifications on this page.


Note that group versioning is used to manage databases required within groups.


Top level struct group. All struct groups and databases must be decendants of a project to be recognized. Name and label are customizable.

Created with the STRUCT CREATE PROJECT action.

Group Parameters

Parameter Value
name *
label *

Struct Parameters

Parameter Value
type project
v 1.0.0


Mid-level struct group for organization. Must be child of project or category.

Created with the STRUCT CREATE CATEGORY action.

Group Parameters

Parameter Value
name *
label *

Struct Parameters

Parameter Value
type category
v 1.0.0


Group for which all data is locally co-relevant. Must be child of either project or category. Name and label are customizable.

Created with the STRUCT CREATE MODEL action.

Group Parameters

Parameter Value
name *
label *

Struct Parameters

Parameter Value
type model
v 1.0.0


Group for all data from a single origin. Must be the child of a model. Name and label are customizable.

Created with the STRUCT CREATE ORIGIN action.

Group Parameters

Parameter Value
name *
label *

Struct Parameters

Parameter Value
type origin
v 1.0.0


Group containing definitions databases.

Group Parameters

Parameter Value
name def
label Definitions

Struct Parameters

Parameter Value
type origin
v 1.0.0


Group containing task tracking databases. Must be a child of an origin group.

Group Parameters

Parameter Value
name task
label Task

Struct Parameters

Parameter Value
type task
v 1.0.0


Group containing mnemonic data databases. Must be a child of an origin group.

Group Parameters

Parameter Value
name mn
label Mnemonic

Struct Parameters

Parameter Value
type mn
v 1.0.0

Mnemonic Bin

Group containing binned mnemonic data databases. Must be a child of a mnemonic group.

Group Parameters

Parameter Value
name mn_bin
label Bin

Struct Parameters

Parameter Value
type mn_bin
v 1.0.0


Structs databases typically specify a set of required fields, and may permit the inclusion of additional custom fields. Changes to the spec involving fields will usually be treated as minor version changes, though they may require manual user correction if an added field conflicts with a custom field already present in a particular database instance.


All definitions databases must be a direct children of a definitions group, and all definitions groups must contain one of each definition database.

Event Definitions

Holds event definitions, specifying how they are displayed, interpretted and processed.

Database Parameters

Parameter Value
name event
label Event
format "{name}"
order [name, asc]
singular "event definition"

Struct Parameters

Parameter Value
type def_event
v 1.0.0


Name Type Req Description
event_id int(4) unique event ID
name utf8vstring(128) unique event name
desc utf8text plain text event description
meta jsonobject additional arbitrary metadata
conf jsonobject configuration for pseudo-mnemonics

Mnemonic Definitions

Holds mnemonic definitions, specifying how they are displayed, interpretted and processed.

Database Parameters

Parameter Value
name mn
label Mnemonic
format "{name} ({unit})"
order [name, asc]
singular "mnemonic definition"

Struct Parameters

Parameter Value
type def_mn
v 1.0.0


Name Type Req Description
mn_id int(4) unique mnemonic ID
name utf8vstring(128) unique mnemonic name
desc utf8text plain text mnemonic description
unit utf8vstring(32) measurement unit (for example, "V", "mA")
state struct_mn_state current state of mnemonic
origins jsonobject map of model(s) to associated origin(s)
full asciivstring(32) the primary database for the mnemonic, default f8
bin set(asciistring) the opt-in bin database(s) to include the mnemonic in
format asciivstring(32) printf-style format to render values
enums jsonobject mapping of permitted text values to numeric values
labels list(jsonobject) mapping of numeric values or ranges to labels
aliases set(utf8string) set of additional names associated with the mnemonic
meta jsonobject additional metadata as needed
query asciivstring(32) query name for pseudo-mnemonics
conf jsonobject configuration for pseudo-mnemonics




  • enum changed to enums since "enum" is often a reserved keyword
  • meas field removed (measure now assumed from unit)

Nominal Def

Holds mnemonic nominal range definitions.

Database Parameters

Parameter Value
name nominal
label Nominal
format "{mn_id} {color} ({min}, {max}) {label}"
order [mn_id, asc], [label, asc]
singular "nominal definition"

Struct Parameters

Parameter Value
type def_nominal
v 1.0.0


Name Type Req Description
nominal_id uuid unique nominal range ID
mn_id int(4) unique mnemonic ID
label utf8vstring(128) nominal range label
desc utf8text plain text eventnominal range description
color struct_nominal_color additional arbitrary metadata
confmin jsonobjectfloat8 configurationmin value for pseudo-mnemonicsthe range
maxfloat8max value for the range
modelsset(asciistring)models for which this range should apply (all if null)


The struct_nominal_color type is an enum of green (0), yellow (1), and red (2).


1.1.0 (planned)

  • label changed to name for consistency with other structs databases

Plot Def

Holds mnemonic plot configuration definitions.

Database Parameters

labelPlot Conf
order[name, asc]
singular"plot configuration"

Struct Parameters



nameutf8vstring(128unique conf name
descutf8textplain text conf description
modelsset(asciistring)models for which this conf should apply (any if null)



1.1.0 (planned)

  • conf changed from jsonobject to struct_plot_conf

Profile Def

Diagram Def


Event databases come in three forms, simple events, single file per event, and multiple files per event.


Each record is a single event. May be a direct child of either a model or origin:

...<model>.event or ...<origin>.event

Parameter Value
type event
version 1.0.1
name event
label Event

Note that virtual fields are calculated from other fields and cannot be populated manually.

Name Type Req Description
uuid uuid event UUID
e_id int(8) event ID (default to 0 if not provided)
t_start instant(us) start time
t_end instant(us) end time (if null, event is an open interval)
dur duration(us) virtual duration in microseconds (null if open)
interval boolean virtual t_start != t_end
open boolean virtual t_end is null
type struct_event_type event type (default to message if not provided)
level struct_event_level event level (default to none if not provided)
name utf8vstring(128) event name (if associated with event definition)
label utf8vstring(128) plain text label
content utf8text extended event content
meta jsonobject additional metadata as needed
conf jsonobject configuration for specific event types
  • corrected name as not required
  • pid (primary ID) changed to e_id (event ID) to avoid confusion
  • sid removed (additional IDs may be added as needed)
  • int changed to interval (int is commonly reserved keyword)
  • dur, interval, and open are now derived fields from t_start and t_end
  • added struct_event_type and struct_event_level data types
  • added name as event definition association

Event File

Uses same structure as event database, with one additional field.

Name Type Req Description
file_name utf8filename safe file name

Event Files


Mn Full

Mn Buffer

Mn Delta

Mn Bin Time

Mn Bin Interval

Mn File Archive

Contains all mnemonic archive files for an origin. Parent must be an origin group:


Parameter Value
type archive
version 1.0.0
name archive
label Archive


Name Type Req Description
uuid uuid file UUID
t_start instant(us) start time
t_end instant(us) end time
dur duration(us) virtual duration in microseconds
t_min instant(us) time of first data in file
t_max instant(us) time of last data in file
file_name utf8filename archive file name
format asciivstring(32) file format (default "xbin")
meta jsonobject additional metadata as needed
conf jsonobject configuration for format as needed

Mn File Buffer

Contains all mnemonic buffer files for an origin. Parent must be an origin group:


Parameter Value
type archive
version 1.0.0
name archive
label Archive


Name Type Req Description
uuid uuid file UUID
file_name utf8filename buffer file name
t_min instant(us) time of first data in file
t_max instant(us) time of last data in file
dur duration(us) virtual duration in microseconds
state struct_buffer_state buffer file state
flag struct_buffer_flag buffer file flag
format asciivstring(32) buffer file format (default "csv")
conf jsonobject configuration for format as needed

The state field may be one of four values:

  • PENDING - the file data is present in the mnemonic buffer database but has not been processed further
  • PROCESSED - the file has been converted into a standard xbin file format
  • ARCHIVED - the file contents have been distributed to the appropriate archive file(s)
  • DEPRECATED - the file is preserved but no longer included in archive files

The flag field may be one of two values:

  • DEPRECATE - the file is queued for deprecation
  • DELETE - the file is queued for deletion


Archive Task

Mine Task


The spectra definition is a property for event databases.

Property Value Req Description
tabs array of tab conf(s) custom tabs for UI
presearch array of presearch confs custom pre-search components for UI
filters array of filter confs
grouping array of field name(s)
charts charts conf
tables array of table conf
query query conf
labels labels conf

Spectra Tab Conf

Configuration for a spectra search tab. This may be a string, referencing the name of a custom tab implementation, or an object with a "type" property specifying a tab type and additional properties applicable for that type. Currently there are no custom tab types, but they may be added in the future.

Spectra Database Tab

Under Construction

The database tab employs a record search for a separate target database of any type, and a solution for converting a selection from the target database to the spectra database.

Property Value Req Description
type "database" tab type name
database database specifier target database specifier
map see below solution to map target selection to spectra selection

The "map" property may be a string, array of strings, or object.

If a string, the value must be the name of a custom selection function (none currently exist, they may be added in the future).

Spectra Presearch Conf

Specifies a set of components to display before the main spectra search component.

Spectra Field Presearch

Specifies a standalone component to search a particular field.

Property Value Req Description
type "field" presearch type name
field field specifier
options see below options for search dropdown

Spectra Filters Conf

Specifies filters / badges for spectra search.

Property Value Req Description
name string system name for filter
label string display label (uses name if absent)
badge string badge label (uses name if absent)
desc string description for badge / filter tooltip
color string color code or CSS class
e expression expression to apply for filter

Spectra Charts Conf

Specifies options for each spectra chart.

Property Value Req Description
summary spectra chart conf summary chart conf
spectra spectra chart conf spectra chart conf
Spectra Chart Conf

Specifies options for a single spectra chart.

Property Value Req Description
x string[] x axis options
y string[] y axis options
tooltip string record format string

Spectra Tables Conf

Under Construction

Spectra Query Conf

Under Construction

Spectra Labels Conf

Labels are specified as an object mapping standard label values to custom values. These will be defined as needed.