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Instants and Intervals


To organize time based data in XINA, we use instants, referring to a single moment in time, and intervals, referring to a range of time. The goal for these components is to make it easy to find, compare, and trend data. Each has their own databases and include fields for:

  • type indicate how the instant/interval should be viewed and interpretted
  • UUID (universally unique identifier)
  • numeric primary and secondary IDs (meaning can depend on subtype)
  • plain text label (up to 128 bytes)
  • plain text or HTML content
  • optional JSON object metadata

Why all these IDs? The UUID uniquely identifies an instant / interval, and is the only way to permanently, globally specify it. It should be applied at the time of creation to ensure consistency even if data is reprocessed. The primary / secondary IDs are optional, and can be used as needed. The general idea is that its much faster and more reliable to query numbers than text, so this is the best way to relate instants and intervals.


Instants provide a reference to a single moment in time. They are not intended to imply any duration.

Instant Database

Default Location


<model>.data.insf (with file)

Required Fields

field type description
u_id uuid UUID
p_id int(8) primary ID
s_id int(8) secondary ID
t instant(us) time
type int(2) instant type code
level int(1) level code
label utf8vstring(128) plain text label
content utf8text extended text / CSV / HTML
meta jsonobject additional metadata as needed
conf jsonobject additional information specific to type

Standard Types

type code description
message 0 Basic instant, recommended to use standard IDs to indicate common events
alert 1 Higher priority variant of message
2D dataset (CSV) 100 General purpose 1D/2D data set (see below)


Intervals provide a reference to a span of time, specified by a start time and an end time.

Interval Database

Default Location


<model>.data.intf (with file)

Required Fields

field type description
u_id uuid UUID
p_id int(8) primary ID
s_id int(4) secondary ID
t_start instant(us) start time (inclusive)
t_end instan(us)t end time (exclusive)
duration duration t_end - t_start
type int(2) interval type code
level int(1) level code
label utf8vstring(128) plain text label
content utf8text extended text / CSV / HTML
meta jsonobject additional metadata as needed
conf jsonobject additional information specific to type

Standard Types

type code description
marker 0 Basic interval, recommended to use standard IDs to indicate common events
test 1 TODO
2D dataset (CSV) 100 General purpose 1D/2D data set (see below)