XINA Import
XINA Import
Cron jobs have been created to automate the import of the PACE/OCI telemetry archives into XINA. There are currently two separate jobs, but both work in a similar way:- ops_oci - downloads OCI*.oci archives and imports them into the XINA model "ops_oci"
- ops_pace - downloads HSK*.HSK archives and imports them into the XINA model "ops_pace"
The jobs have been scheduled to run every 10 minutes, performing the following:
- Download up to 5 archives (configurable). Successfully downloaded archives are added to a local file "archiveIndex.txt". Archives in this file will not be downloaded again. If necessary, this file can be edited or even deleted to force the re-downloading of any previously downloaded archives.
- Process the archive into 10-minute segments and remove science data packets (i.e., APIDs 700 and 720).
- Upload the processed archives to the appropriate database/model in XINA.
These cron jobs are currently running on the "xina-run" server (run-oci-xina-io) in the $HOME directory of the user "mrburkhart".
Bash Script Details
This script downloads archives using the "oci_download" application.
This script downloads archives using the "oci_download" application.Arguments:
- FILTER : A file filter (e.g., oci*.oci)
- MAX_FILES : The maximum number of downloads to process
- DEST : The destination folder for downloaded archives
- START_DATE: The start date to filter archives
Example: "OCI*.oci" 5 "$HOME/ops_oci/raw" "12/04/2023"
This script processes archives into 10-minute segments using the "tmsegment" application.Arguments:
- MODEL : The XINA database/model name (example: 'debug')
- FILTER : A file filter (e.g., oci*.oci)
- SOURCE : The source folder with raw archives
- DEST : The destination folder for segmented archives
Example: ops_oci "OCI*.oci" "$HOME/ops_oci/raw" "$HOME/ops_oci/segmented"
This script uploads the processed archives to XINA using the "" bash script.Arguments:
- MODEL : The XINA database/model name (example: 'debug')
- SOURCE : The source folder containing the segmented archives
Example: ops_oci "$HOME/ops_oci/segmented"