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Struct Actions

Struct actions are complex data actions designed to be used with XINA Structs. Unlike most API actions, they may involve complex multi-step operations, and are dependent on the structs configuration of groups and databases.

Data Actions


Imports a buffer data file into a pipe.

Property Value Req Default
action "struct_buffer_import"
pipe pipe group specifier
file binary object
format string
conf jsonobject

When a data set is imported the XINA server will run the following steps:

  • For each row:
    • validate time and value
    • process mnemonic
      • If mnemonic ID
        • If found in definitions database:
          • If mnemonic is deprecated, throw error
          • Else, use mnemonic for row
        • Else, throw error due to unrecognized ID
      • Else, parse name and optional unit
        • If name match found:
          • If unit is provided and does not match, throw error
          • If mnemonic is deprecated, throw error
          • Else, use mnemonic for row
        • Else, mnemonic is new, create new temporary mnemonic definition based on provided information
  • If any rows contain same mnemonic and time, throw error
  • Check for time overlap in database
    • If found
      • If on_overlap = fail, throw error
      • Else If on_overlap = delete, delete all data from database in time range of imported data
      • Else (on_overlap = ignore), do nothing
  • If new mnemonic definitions created, insert into mnemonic definition database
  • Insert data into mnemonic database


Adds one or more aliases of name/unit pairs to a single existing mnemonic.

Property Value
action "struct_mn_edit"struct_mn_alias"
database mnemonic definition database specifier
mn mnemonic ID
aliases string[], name/unit pair alias(es) for mnemonic


Edits one or more properties of a single existing mnemonic.

Property Value Required
action "struct_mn_edit"
database mnemonic definition database specifier
mn mnemonic ID
name string, new name/unit pair for mnemonic
state string


Merges one or more existing mnemonics into a single existing mnemonic.


Performs context-aware event operations.

Unlike typical record operations, these actions support event definition lookup and creation. Event records or updates may specify a "name" property, as if it were a database field. This will be used to lookup a corresponding event ID from the event definitions associated with the database, and create a new definition with the name if one is not found. Alternatively, the "name" may reference an event definition by external ID, by starting with the $ character.

If an event specifies both a "name" and "e_id", the action will fail, as the outcome is ambiguous. If the "name" property value is numeric or numeric text, it will interpretted as a direct event ID reference (as if it had been provided as "e_id").

"e_id" values are validated against existing event definitions, and the action will fail if the event ID is not found.


Inserts one or more events into a single event database.

Property Value Req Default
action "struct_event"
op "insert"
database event database
events event records

If the event database has an associated event change database, the event change database will be checked for any update records, and the changes will be applied to the incoming events before they are inserted.

If any inserted UEIDs are already present in the database, the action will fail.


Closes one or more open interval event(s).

Property Value Req Default
action "struct_event"
op "close"
database event database
t instant(us) closing time now
events events specifier
fields field value map

The closing time is specified by the t property.

The events property is an extension of the standard records specifier, but may include UEID(s) as strings. Only currently open intervals in the specified database will be affected.

If the fields property is provided, updates the value(s) of the specified field(s) in the map for all events being closed.


Updates one or more events.

Property Value Req Default
action "struct_event"
op "update"
database event database
t instant(us) update time now
events events specifier
fields field(s) to update

If the event database is a child of a pipe, an event change record is inserted in the associated event change database for each event UEID matching the specifier. Additionally, if any updated fields are not configured to permit updating, the action will fail.


Schema Actions


The STRUCT CREATE action is used to create a variety of XINA Structs compatible schema elements.


Creates a structs project group.

Property Value Req Default
action "struct_create"
create "project"
parent group specifier
name string
label string name
desc string label
group_teams team group privilege map
database_teams team database privilege map

If a parent group is specified, it may not include a structs definition (since project groups must be at the top level of a struct heirarchy). The name (and label, if provided) must not be in use by any group siblings, or the action will fail.


Creates a structs category group.

Property Value Req Default
action "struct_create"
create "category"
parent group specifier
name string
label string name
desc string label
group_teams team group privilege map
database_teams team database privilege map

The parent group must be either a project group or category group, or the action will fail. The name (and label, if provided) must not be in use by any group siblings, or the action will fail.


Creates a structs model group.

Property Value Req Default
action "struct_create"
create "model"
parent group specifier
name string
label string name
desc string label
event boolean false
eventf boolean false
eventfs boolean false
group_teams team group privilege map
database_teams team database privilege map

The parent group must be either a project group or category group, or the action will fail. The name (and label, if provided) must not be in use by any group siblings, or the action will fail.


Creates a struct pipe group.

Property Value Required Default
action "struct_create"
create "pipe"
model group specifier
name string
label string name
desc string label
group_teams team group privilege map
database_teams team database privilege map
partition boolean or {"from": <start year>, "to": <end year>} false
See the pipe definition for other supported properties

The parent group must be either a project group or category group, or the action will fail. The name (and label, if provided) must not be in use by any group siblings, or the action will fail.


Creates a structs definitions group, with associated databases.

Property Value Req Default
action "struct_create"
create "def"
parent group specifier

The parent group must be either a project, category, or model group, or the action will fail.


Creates a new structs event database.

Property Value Req Default
action "struct_create"
create "event"
group group specifier
type "none", "file", or "files" "none"
name string "event", "eventf", or "eventfs"
label string name
desc string label
singular string "event"
plural string singulars
conf JSON object
fields array of field definitions
teams team database privilege map


Creates a new structs notebook database.

Property Value Req Default
action "struct_create"
create "notebook"
parent group specifier
name string
label string name
desc string label
fields array of field definitions
teams team database privilege map